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Fruit and Vegetables, intake Favorites When Menstruation

Every woman experiences the different physical and emotional ahead of and during menstruation. The fix was not the same. But one similarity, emotions tend to be unstable, irritable and women tend to increase appetite, especially ahead of schedule menstruation comes. Most women feel dizzy, weak, a little pain in the lower abdomen, or lazy to move. Other women will feel the body so weak and tired, weight gain, acne, sore waist.

The signs are mostly arise when women have PMS, premenstrual syndrome alias. But complaints like this are still happening when she was menstruating. To reduce discomfort due to menstruation, eating certain foods of choice. Chic, through Chicpool, get data 50 percent of women admitted Chic magazine readers choose fresh fruits and vegetables when menstruation comes.

In addition to fresh vegetables and fruit, a favorite food among women during menstruation chocolate, ice cream, spicy foods and hot berkuah. As many as 20 percent of women choose chocolate and ice cream. While 15 percent of women chose berkuah spicy and hot foods. The rest, 15 percent of women claimed to have no special foods during menstruation.

While spicy foods and hot chosen because powerful stomach warms, especially for those who are experiencing abdominal pain during menstruation. Perhaps, you also choose the same food or you have another way to overcome the discomfort during menstruation come?

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